I gathered my gear (house and office) again and flipped them on my back and de-boarded the train in Cairns. Back at Munmurra Park Belinda found a White Cockatoo feather at the Koolah Tops and gave it to me. I have proudly displayed it on my Backpack ever since. So when I lined up my stay at the next property the fact that it was The White Cockatoo seemed to just fit. Tony and Lenore are the owners of this beautiful 3.5 star resort. They operate as a nudist resort from October to April and as a family resort from May to September. My accommodations are in a private chalet', of which there are twenty four, with a generous food budget for meals I cook for myself. Upon my arrival in Cairns I was picked up at the train station by Tony. The White Cockatoo is located about forty five minutes North in Mossman. Tony had a scheduled guest pick up at the airport and luckily for me it was close to the same time as my arrival. He was a great tour guide of the area as we traveled up the coast to the property. Upon arriving, Lenore took care of the guests and Tony took me to get settled in. I was a bit concerned of my choice after only the first few minutes with Tony. On the website for The White Cockatoo, the information for HelpXers is that a two week minimum was required and longer stays OK if we all get along. No problem there. It also stated, as I understood it, that credit card details and passport information would also be required. Again No problem there. When Tony asked for my Passport and said he would be keeping it until my departure, I got a little bent out of shape. I have heard horror stories of people taking passports and essentially holding you until they saw fit to let you leave. I also didn't want to be traveling in the area without proof that I legally entered the country. Or even worse, as accident prone as I am , getting involved in a situation where I would be hurt and unable to communicate who I am and where I am from and what I am doing here. We got in a bit of an argument and I tried to explain that I had no problem with him making a copy of my details but I would prefer to keep the original on my person. He hesitantly agreed and made the copy; but he reiterated the point that it clearly stated it differently on the website. Due to some undesirable helpers in the past he had to do this to protect himself and his property. I told him I understood, and that I would not be one of those helpers. In good faith and as proof of my intention I allowed him to keep my passport as long as I could have the copy. I checked into my chalet' for the night somewhat concerned what the next few weeks would hold.
I am happy to say that the next four weeks turned out just fine. Once showing Tony that I was honest and forthright he warmed up to me. I consider both Tony and Lenore to be my friends. Oh, and I eventually did get my passport back.
It was Work by the way. Some of it was quite physical. Some not as physical but still work. My first week I was Bleaching the Ceilings in the chalet's. Mind you, being in the "Wet Tropics" makes ceilings vulnerable to MOLD. My job...Mold Eradication! This was not my favorite task on the property. I think Tony was testing me. Yeah, I am pretty sure he was; but the bleaching needed to be done. My responsibilities became easier as the weeks went by. Maybe it was more that I enjoyed the other responsibilities more so than Bleaching Ceilings. I guess it doesn't really matter either way. The good news was, in my opinion, the worse was done first! The funny thing is I really enjoyed bleaching the car park curbs and walking paths. That must of had something to do with the gurney (High Power Washer).
I did some landscaping and mowing. I even had the chance to do a little slashing around some of the buildings that were susceptible to white ants (termites, to all you "YANKS" Up Over). One of my landscaping/white ant prevention jobs had me trimming back a huge variegated Pandannus Tree. It had grown onto the roof of one of the guest chalets. My first reaction to Tony was, "You better hire a professional to tackle that beast." He told me that it is not as heavy of a plant as it seems. He was right. Actually I don't really recall him ever being wrong. Well maybe once or twice but I am sure I signed a confidentiality agreement somewhere. Hehehehe!

I talked Tony and Lenore into letting me plant some of what I cut down. As you can see by the photos this plant drops roots down from its branches. 

Before After
Unfortunately I am fearful they are not going to take. They are similar to a Yucca Plant in their structure. Except they are very pulpy and full of water. Before leaving I noticed the new growth that stems from the center of the plant was beginning to lose its strength. The good news is there will be a fresh bed for a new garden if they must go. Oh, and I managed not to hurt myself cutting them off that roof. That's good news too! After staying at the White Cockatoo for almost a month to the day, I had plenty of chances to do quite a few other jobs too. I was in charge of the pool cleaning. What a marvelous pool it is too! Basic property up keep, picking up fallem palm frons, blowing the car park and foot paths, helping Lenore with the cleaning and servicing of the chalet's. I think our record during my stay was 17 in one day total. 10 checkouts and 7 services. Not too bad for a 2 person team. Of course that occurred on my last day. I think I managed to finally perfect those hospital corners on the sheets that day too! Hmmmmmm. All and all, another great WORK experience with some more Great Ozzy's (well actually Tony is a Kiwi by birth)!
Hi there! I'm glad your pasport incident went fine, you did well not letting him take it. altought you gave it to him wilingly afterward.
You should organize your writtings a bit.
you know paragraphs and stuff...
It's pretty scary to see all that text not organaized, no matter it's quallity.
Best wishes!
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