Sydney, Australia - Full Circle
Back again. I do love Sydney. I have walked all over Sydney at all hours. Till sunrise a time or two. I have taken the bus, the train, a cab, and the ferry. Except for the occasional request for money or a cigarette, that is about as dangerous as I have witnessed.
Of course please understand there is no plan here. I get bored . So I walk. I look for interesting things to take a picture of. Of course I am hunting a few Rainbows too. I listen to people on the street and see how many different languages I can decipher in one walk. My record so far is eight seemingly different languages. I people watch.
I have always said that I enjoy doing this but I don't think I really every did it. Not at the level I have done it here. You have to truly stop, lean on a giant match stick, sit on a bus bench, just stop. And I don't mean just for few minutes. Stop for an hour. In a city this size people are moving, working, hustling and bustling.
If you can find the time, it can be very entertaining.
I chose to step out of another comfort zone upon returning to Sydney. I stayed at my first Backpackers Hostile. Luckily for me it also caters as a host site. I had contacted Daniel at The Palms. He offered to exchange accommodation for 2-3 hours of work. I stayed for 5 days before having to leave for New Zealand. Of course I was a bit hesitant when upon my arrival the night manager had no idea I was coming. So he put me into a room that already had people a sleep in it. The room was dark but I was able to make out an empty bunk. An empty top bunk. Yikes! I didn't want to wake the strangers sleeping in the room by my rustling around. I dropped my bags and headed downstairs to the common area. STRESSED! I jumped on the internet and sent out a few " I made it Ok " emails. I researched some of the HelpX hosts that I could stay with once I arrived in New Zealand. It was sometime in the wee morning I found the strength to cross the fear barrier. I headed back upstairs and jumped into my bunk as gracefully as one can in a dark, unfamiliar place. The next morning I met Daniel and cleared up the mix up. Over the next 5 days my work included some wall repair in the main stair well. Plastering, sanding and priming. Cleaning the huge community fridge inside and out. I also had the experience of cleaning the kitchen walls from ceiling to stove top. Not the most glamorous of jobs; but it put a roof over my head and a place to store my gear.
Although the other "Job" I was required to do was walk Bandit, while Daniel went surfing. Not really work by any means. Even with Bandit being a bit "stick obsessive."
I was able to explore the various surf beaches and surrounding areas of Sydney. It is nice to have a local show you about. The first time I visited I didn't have that luxury. With Daniel and Bandit I was given the opportunity to go places I would probably would not have found by myself.
My whole travel plan of, "Maybe I will turn left here," just doesn't get you as far as one would think. Let's face it, after enough lefts you end up making a circle. This works well in a strange place provided you are
paying attention. I rarely find myself lost. At least not lost for long. Of course, I guess I have spent a life time of going in circles.
The opportunity to catch a ride, and not have to make the decision to turn left, is a welcome one. Before leaving Sydney I had the pleasure of meeting up with Belinda from Munmurra Park, my first host and now good friend. She was in town visiting her daughter and grandchild. We made arrangements to have coffee and catch up. It was great to see her! Hopefully I will see her again in October. I must revisit Munmurra Park and check out the gardens in bloom. So we made the plans and if all goes well it will happen. For now I am New Zealand bound!
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